Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welfare Bread.

What recession do they speak of?
Coins have been tossed at me and around me with generous praise!
"El Bandita!, El Bandita!"

The pictures are evidence and the laughter is enough to bring a small child back to life.
Innocence was revived back in the pits of drunken summer babes.
Wide eyed and ready for the next shed of skin, feels like birth again.
Fresh, Red, and Slightly Slimy.

The stick fits.

It's taking me until this morning to finally shake off the toxin's that were doing god knows what in my body.
(Don't worry Kayla I'm still flirting with the idea of a Turd wearing a toxic shirt drinking a smoothie)
And thanks to the alter ego of "Rad Dude" thanks Robert.
A ceremony will be conducted Saturday night to burn that hat... Or just praise it for all the radical times it blessed us with.

Things I've learned to appreciate this past week:

.The strong women in my life
. Free
. Mrs. Beas, 1808 and the entire east side
.The power of tacos
.Messenger bag for having secret zippers for beer smuggling
( waterloo I'm not paying you 5 dollars for a 12oz high life & that went to every venue)

.Swedish Eyes
. The fellow who let me drown him in beer during Circle Jerks.
. Kayla throwing her bra off during Black Lips
. Drummers from Brooklyn, Drummers PERIOD.
.Always them
.My brother
.Magic Princess blow job
.hot dogs
. Goner Records
.East Side Pedal Pushers for praising me that I haven't converted Algar into fix
. Parker & All the Memphis Kids
. Knowing a bartender during Saint Patrick's day
. My will power

Living in Texas, having bar-b-q and tacos at any given time, and loving myself more than ever.


A bullet might graze you soon enough...

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