. That dude that patches your tube under freeways at one thirty in the morning... The one that buys you helmets and brings you bread when you don't have a dollar to you're name... He's also the one that does the best interpretation of Curtis Blow I've heard in a while. Who reads you, childrens barn animals book while you lay in the e.r. People tend to call him "The Professor" because he's a smart ass.
The Bandit is in such joy that twenty seven years ago your mother & father decided to do the dirty thing, side ways and freestyle. Pushing pedals wouldn't be so fun without you by my side.
Asking myself this very question as the paramedics lifted me up on to the stretcher. It seems that cars and I have a very complicated relationship. Well, there really isn't much of complication when laying bloody, disoriented, and adrenaline rushed on the pavement. The picture speaks for itself.
"It could have been worse" seemed to to be the phrase of the day as I made my way from the pavement, ambulance, and emergency room. Laying covered in abrasions and my head still intact made me realize just how lucky I just was. In less then a year I've been involved in a "door" accident and now a side swipe collusion with a Benz. This must be a calling from the helmet gods to get my act together and protect my precious noggin.
For those of you that don't know the full story, on my way to the good 'ol cookie factory Tuesday morning a valet driver in a Mercedes Benz (decided that right turn signals weren't very vital to other's who share the road) took a right into the very bike lane I was rolling straight on and next thing you know, SLAM!
If anything the whole production was more bark then bite seeing as how I did more damage to the Benz then it did to me. Must thank the Canteras for such strong thick bones! I hopped away with a pretty banged up body and a temporary scare of the roads.
I will say, the police officer that was handling my report was more than attentive in dealing & reporting the whole accident. Plus, he also mentioned how not wearing a helmet was reportedly going to be against the law soon? Does anyone have any insight on this or was he trying to scare the trick or treater from not taking unwrapped candy from strangers?
Look, Drivers! You pack more steel then my 160 body and frame provide. Signal, be aware of you're surroundings. Then I won't have to deal with going threw two insurance companies and police stations for Christ sake.
My father, who was a dedicated cyclist (as you can tell by his rad shirt below) that is until the last run in he had with a car left him for "dead" in a ditch after a horrible hit and run. Knowing first hand how dangerous it is for cyclist he called me as soon as he heard about my run in with vehicle. His message was as follows, "I really wish you would stop biking Jen, it's too scary out there for you and I don't want anything to happen."
Life without my bicycle would not be a life worth living, I'd rather take the chance and die on something I love then spend the rest of it missing out on that feeling of flying, of freedom. That's the risk we take daily, every second we spend pedaling. I wouldn't give that up for anything. No big bad Benz can scare me of the streets I ride.
Now to my original post some days back before car's were involved...
Prostitute cats, shot gunning watermelon flavored slurpees, Spelling tar and pit in east side playgrounds, dumping sweaty heads into buckets of water and shampoo causing temporary blindness, to pulling monopoly like cash from shirtless biking boys pants. The photo's and videos are up and running and doing races such as this one is always a blast for those participating and volunteering. This was our route...
Maybe it was due to the fact that I feel asleep and floated into yet another eleven hour dream coma listening to Bill Hick's words drift into my external auditory canal that I woke up a little cranky this morning. It might also be due to the fact that
Kayne West seems to just love to hang out in my dreams.
It's so hard not to act reckless, but If I have one more dream where Kayne is rapping to me on my death bed I just might actually kill myself. Rolling out of bed and trying to tame the Monchichi look I've mastered, there was a bit of aggravation this morning while riding to work. So what better way to get rid of the road pet peeves by spewing 'em out.
Spit number one Traffic and Misdemeanor fines for cyclist, which I do understand and respect to some certain extent but enforcing such rules and then you YOURSELF as a person of law turn your back on them. As though somehow the gun in your holster dismisses you from obeying the law's you enforce? Working downtown gives me the wonderful privilege to witness first hand how much APD loves riding all over the city sidewalks. For Christ sake an officer on two wheels almost ran into an elderly women coming around the corner this morning!
Not to mention the fact that bicyclist with no lights get a $147 fine (come on bike ninjas get some light on those things) But there has been more then a few occasion when I've been riding down Duval only to see numerous Police patrol cars missing one headlight. The peeve-o-meter is off the charts with the displays the Police department is setting for our lovely cycling community.
Spat Number 2
Cyclist going down the wrong one way. The joy that seems to fill my heart when I have to avoid hitting another cyclist who chooses that going down the wrong one way would be the best route to take. It's not, so stop doing it. The last thing I want is to have a head on accident with another fellow cyclist. If we expect cars to treat us with respect we should do the same and obey critical laws that concern our safety.
Number 3 The Yellow monsters of the road, I like to call them. We all have our own story or two to tell about these yellow hornets zipping threw and clipping cyclist without any concern. In my opinion, they are worse then cops. Especially when they seem to think that the "bike lane" means "cab lane". Hot headed monster's behind the wheel, and this isn't an rant on all drivers but you know who you are. Having them out there in the road is like having a postpartum mother in charge of 5 babies and giving her a huge bucket of water. It's an awful scary thought.
Phew, rant over. I can feel the road calling my name now!