Wednesday, February 4, 2009

If you hate the smell of cookie dough, then we simply can not be friends.

Excuse me while I polish my pistol and give me a moment to grab my pen, or shall we say ahem... keyboard? I've jumped in line with the rest of the frantic herd and flocked on other to the other side of the web. It seems that they enjoy the incredible shade and the crystal clear water. They say it's amazing! I just hope that there is not branding involved this time because I'm trying to recover from the last one.

A tiny leap into to some sort of direction that could only be a bit more productive. As far as the structure or what I'm really trying to get out of this http is unknown. So why not keep it that way? If anything this seems like a graduation from silly observations from society to something a little bit more definite. Something you could show your grandchildren and prance threw and celebrate my words!
Or maybe, something to read when your tired of jerking off and or melting your eyes off with all the cuteness can give you.

So please feel free to waste your precocious seconds with my words, you'll kind of be glad that you did. I won't dare give too much away of who you will be reading from but let's just say it will be worth something...someday.

Tales of tunes, bicycle's, starvation, to the complexes of women crying when told they have "Big Boobies", tacos, and even tales of awkward run ins with ex sexual encounters at the grocery store. Disclaimer; to those of you that are in my daily life now is the time not to be shy for as you see you are only a character in the chapter of this time.

This is...
The saga of jenny.

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